• Telefon:+90 216 566 07 69
  • Adres: Ressam Salih Erimez Caddesi Gözcü Apartmanı No : 26 Daire: 28 (34732) Merdivenköy - KADIKÖY/İSTANBUL
... Rolle Paal

About us

Well over fifty years of knowledge and experience in pipe processing helps us to contribute actively to the success of our customers by offering sustainable solutions that meet industry needs. Because we started out as a department of Europe's biggest pipe producer, we understand our customers processes. Because of that, our products fulfill the needs of pipe producers in a very direct way.

Innovative pipe producing equipment

Modern Rollepaal pipe machinery allows our customers to both minimize overweight and to have control over wall thickness, thus reducing the cost of their products. Simultaneously, these developments also help the environment by reducing energy consumption and the use of raw materials. One way to improve the carbon footprint is the use of scrap material in a foam core pipe. Our multilayer technology is the ultimate way to do this, without making concessions in terms of quality. The latest development is oriented pvc (PVC-O). By stretching a pvc pipe in two directions, the material actually becomes stronger and more capable to resist impacts. Lighter and better, it has been proven numerous times.


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